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0x%lxsrc/util/key-value-parse.c,parsing key/value: %s=key / value string is null.key / value string is invalid(unused)ERRORWARNINGinfodebugtracetcti-socketFailed to open logging file %s: %s key_value: 0x%lx and user_data: 0x%lxwriting %zu bytes starting at 0x%lx to fd %dSocket %s%s is too long for AF_UNIXFailed to create AF_UNIX socketAttempting UNIX connection to %sFailed to poll for response from fd %d, got errno %d: %sreading %zu bytes from fd %d to buffer at 0x%lxread on fd %d failed with errno %d: %sAttempted read %zu bytes from fd %d, but EOF returnedWriting %zu bytes to socket %d:write to fd %d failed, errno %d: %sParsing header from buffer: 0x%lxFailed to unmarshal command size.Failed to unmarshal command code.Buffer size parameter: %zu, and TPM2 command header size field: %u disagree.Sending command with TPM_CC 0x%x and size %uFailed to close SOCKET %d. errno %d: %sHost %s does not resolve to a valid address: %d: %sAttempting TCP connection to host %s, port %sFailed to connect to host %s, port %s: errno %d: %sFailed to marshal platform command %u, rc: 0x%xSending %zu bytes to socket %u:Failed to send platform command %d with error: %dFailed to get response to platform command, errno %d: %sReceived %zu bytes from socket 0x%x:Failed to unmarshal response to platform command. rc: 0x%xPlatform command failed with error: %uFailed to unmarshal size from tpm2 simulator protocol: 0x%uResponse size to big: %zu > %utctiContext: 0x%lx, size: 0x%lx default configuration will be used.tctiContext: 0x%lx, size: 0x%lx, conf: %sProvided conf string exceeds maximum of %ukv_str: "%s", callback: 0x%lx, user_data: 0x%lxkey_value_str: "%s" and key_value_t: 0x%lxInitializing mssim TCTI with host: %s, port: %uInitializing TCTI context 0x%lxFailed to send MS_SIM_POWER_ON platform command.Failed to send MS_SIM_NV_ON platform command.TCTI module for communication with the Microsoft TPM2 Simulator.Key / value string in the form "host=localhost,port=2321".socket_closesocket_pollsocket_connect_unixsocket_connectsocket_xmit_bufwrite_allread_allparse_key_valueparse_key_value_stringsimulator_setupTss2_Tcti_Mssim_Initmssim_kv_callbacktcti_mssim_receiveheader_unmarshaltcti_mssim_transmittcti_platform_command;(08DxXlHXhH0Xx(L\ xLh@8 h4 zRx $pFJ w?:*3$"D`\ p6Z,dmGAD WABA0BHD z ABE ABD BIB B(A0A8DP8A0A(B BBB,DH1AC DEM~ H dtXFUR D(G@XHDPFXG`I@\HHPTXL`L@k (A ABBE \H`PHXG`I@|DBII E(A0A8FP\XD`dhHpAxDIPsXI`PhNpIPN 8D0A(B BBBA _XT`HhDpIP\ZBBB B(A0A8GxZKTTw 8A0A(B BBBI yTTNIIUMFKTMNHLACF0W AAE D8T@THNPI0`8O@\HHPAXG`I0,HTAC BID G xBPS L(D0C8GXF`DhFpFxDIPrXJ`PhKpGxBNPxXG``hHpAxDIPD 8D0A(B BBBJ HXI`PhKpIPtIIS K(C0D8F@AHCPFXH`I0X (D BBBF S8G@[HHPAXG`I0G(D BBBT'FBB B(A0A8DZXPTRx`OGrn 8D0A(B BBBK EfAd EK ASTTIS EE <8AAG [ AAJ S(O0\8C@HHGPI @x$FAA D0  EABF D  AABA BBB B(A0A8GnPNUSpAGPDDKAAEii 8A0A(B BBBD c AHBAEE lFBB B(A0A8DPX 8D0A(B BBBI IXS`AhDpBxBLPMXF`HhDpBxBIPnXT`MhQpIPKXT`ThKpIP\XH`AhBpoP] XC`HhBpC DXL`ThKpIP0VTrJLFBB 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